Behavioral Health Specialist

  • Closing Date:


  • Job Summary:

    This is a professional position responsible for facilitating, tracking and documenting behavioral health staffings for children in the foster care system while identifying the needs of the child, developing solutions to problems, coordinating efforts to resolve barriers and providing behavioral health care coordination including mental health and substance abuse services for children and families.

  • Essential Functions:

    • Establishes and maintains positive working relationship with HFC internal and external customers
    • Receive, record, process and track behavioral health multi-disciplinary staffing referrals and other behavioral health and substance abuse staffing services and enter into database
    • Respond to and assist with the management of inpatient notifications by following the Rapid Response Protocol for Baker Acts
    • Manage a therapeutic tracking log of children for Baker Acts, Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care (STFC), Specialized Therapeutic Group Home (STGH), Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP), Out of State Services (OSS) and other staffings as needed
    • Track and provide notification of all initial, reconsiderations and 90day suitability assessments for children being referred to residential programs and document suitability assessments in FSFN
    • Screen cases for eligibility of various therapeutic and substance abuse programs and refers to appropriate providers
    • Facilitate all behavioral health multi-disciplinary staffings for those children who have been assessed and recommended for mental health or substance abuse programs, those with multiple or critical Baker Acts or Marchman Acts, and as needed for Youth at Risk Staffings (YARS) and Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) Family Support staffings
    • Provide assistance, guidance and recommendations for services when medical necessity is not met for higher levels of care and community services are most appropriate
    • Institutes a mechanism to coordinate with the funder, Medicaid Managed Care Agency (MMA) and Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) in obtaining approval of behavioral health services when needed and addressing issues that impact behavioral health services for children as directed by or in the absence of the Director of Integrated Health
    • Assist case managers in preparing appropriate information, including request for initial Suitability Assessments and 90 day reviews for potential providers for children when appropriate for review and/or placement in residential treatment mental health or substance abuse treatment
    • Serves as a consultant to case managers within the contracted case management organizations and Heartland for Children staff on appropriate referrals for behavioral health service
    • Determine if children are eligible for various therapeutic programs and refer to appropriate providers
    • Provide guidance to case management on obtaining the appropriate follow-up services for children who have been Baker Acted or Marchman Acted and those children staffed for therapeutic, substance abuse or other behavioral health services
    •  Attend all necessary dependency and delinquency court hearings
    • Assist with the supervision of  department interns
    • Perform special projects as assigned

  • Qualifications Required:

    Bachelor’s degree in health or human services required.  Minimum of three years’ experience in mental health and substance abuse services required. 

  • Qualifications Preferred:

    Master’s degree in health or human services preferred.   Experience in facilitating staffings/meetings and child welfare experience preferred.


  • Physical Requirements:

  • Benefits:

    Excellent benefits package with tuition assistance, domestic partner coverage, retirement and generous paid time off.  

  • Additional Information:

    Drug free workplace.  Drug testing required.  EOE/M/F/D/V.  

Fill out form to Apply

Employment Desired

Previously Employed by Heartland?



Are you currently charged, excluded, suspended, debarred or otherwise ineligible to participate in the federal health care programs, including Medicare and Medicaid?

Have you been convicted of a criminal offense related to the provision of health care items or services and have not been reinstated in the federal health care programs?

Have you ever been charged, convicted or suspended (including pled guilty, nolo contendere or no contest) of a criminal offense related to any of the federal health care programs (including Medicare or Medicaid)?

Have you ever been convicted (including pled guilty, nolo contendere, no contest) of any criminal offense?

Have you ever been discharged from employment?

Have you ever been dismissed from employment due to abuse of residents or clients?

For individuals seeking positions with driving responsibilities, please provide your license number, insurance information, and any traffic violations (other than parking tickets), accidents or insurance claims submitted within the last five (5) years.

Educational Data

High School – Diploma / GED

High School


Graduate School

Post Graduate School

Additional Information

Internship / Residency / Practicum / Fellowships

Record 1

Record 2

Fellowship 1

Fellowship 2

Professional Licenses and Certificates

License 1

License 2

Previous Employment Record

Include military service assignments and any verified work performed on a volunteer basis. Exclude organization names which indicate race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

List All Employment, Most Recent First (Please complete section in its entirety. "See Resume" is not acceptable.)

Employer 1 (Most Recent)

Employer 2

Employer 3

Employer 4

Employer 5

May we contact your current employer for a reference?

May we contact your previous employer for a reference?

Professional Reference 1

Professional Reference 2

Professional Reference 3

Personal References (Do Not Include Former Employers or Relatives)

Personal Reference 1

Personal Reference 2

Personal Reference 3

List Friends or Relatives Employed By Heartland for Children (including relatives by marriage)

Record 1

Record 2

Record 3

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