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Relationships & Attachments Play a Role in Psychological Health & Well-Being

Relationships & Attachments Play a Role in Psychological Health & Well-Being

Forming relationships and attachments with others is inevitable even among the most shy and isolated individuals. So long as one lives and interacts with others, a form of attachment or relationship is established. There are different types of relationships that the average person can associate with: parent to child, foster parent to foster child, grandparent to grandchild, and sibling to sibling, spouse to spouse relationship along with extended family relationships. There are also the romantic, friendship, colleague, and the roommate relationships. The list can go on and on. A relationship, simply put, is being related to or interrelated with another individual on some level.Read More

The Florida Baptist Children's Homes values the partnership with HFC as we serve children & families together. Heartland communicates well with our agency, keeps children and families central to its goals and works to empower our agency to improve services.