Success Stories

Ashley & Kelly Grogan

Ashley & Kelly Grogan

Ashley & Kelly began their foster care journey back in 2017. Ashley shares, “We had 3 young biological children at home when we started our foster care journey. Kel and I had lots of conversations about how fostering would affect our family - we worried about how it might change our children. Be assured, foster care will change you. You cannot experience the things of foster care and stay the same. We have all become more compassionate and empathetic individuals.”

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Foster Family of the Month: Hargrove

Foster Family of the Month: Hargrove

Meet the Hargroves, our Foster Family of the Month!

In 2018, Maria & Daniel began their foster care journey and decided that they only wanted to foster teens (our greatest need)! Since the beginning, they have been very involved in co-parenting, facilitating visits with bioparents and making sure the teens are able to stay connected with family. They champion and advocate for every teen that comes through their home, including the 15 and 16 year olds that are currently with them.

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Without conditions or reservations, I wholeheartedly endorse Heartland for Children as the Community Based Organization (CBC) serving abused and neglected children in Highlands, Hardee and Polk Counties. The child welfare system has improved dramatically under the outstanding leadership of Heartland for Children. For nearly a decade, Heartland for Children has been delivering high-quality services to children and families in our communities. In fact, the system of care that was designed to protect child, our most precious resource, was not always responsive, nor highly respected, before Heartland for Children was selected as the first CBC, covering Highlands, Hardee and Polk counties.